Friday, June 18, 2010

Big Daddy is back...

Casey is doing really well!  He was released from having to wear the "murse" on Tuesday!!  That's right more wound vac!!  Yippeee!  His hernias have not been bothering him lately so he has not had to wear the "mirdle" either!  He feels like a man again!! 

His hair is growing back a little faster now.  He has a nice little beard coming in that  he's trying to grow into a gotee.  He's not happy about the amount of gray hair coming in, though.  The hair on his head is growing in a lot thinner and softer!  We'll see how long he will allow it to grow before he shaves it off again!  He grew accustomed to that look.  He is starting to look normal again...his eyebrows are back as well! 

His only complaint right now is that he can't sleep.  Because of the steroids he has to take, he becomes restless at nights.  He runs out of his prescription Ambien too quickly and has to wait until a month after prescribed to refill again. 

Things will never ever be the way they used to be; but I can't wait until he can feel completely well!!