Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Just as we thought

Just as we thought...Casey has to have surgery again! :-(  His dr. appt at Baylor Medical Center was today and they confirmed that he has an incisional hernia.  The surgery will take place in a couple of weeks.  We will have to wait for the coordinator to call us with the exact date.  The surgeon thinks that the surgery will only take about an hour and he may not need to stay the night!!  At least it doesn't require a week stay like last time!  I'm really tired of hospitals as is he...but all that matters is that he is alive by the Grace of God!!

As for the car accident; it was not his fault.  An older gentleman turned right in front him and did almost $9000 damage on our car.  Casey is ok; the air bag deployed and saved him from getting hurt!  The other guy was fine as well!  This time I am not having to drive Mr. Daisy to work and back; the other guy's insurance is paying for a rental! Thank God, because the repairs are going to take at least three weeks!!!