Wednesday, December 9, 2009

YAY for Casey!

Casey is really excited today!!  He got a promotion at work.  He is now FELONY INVESTIGATOR and he gets his own office!  Guess what his decor will consist of ?  You got it!  Harley Davidson! :o)

He was feeling pretty pitiful yesterday.  I stayed home from work to take care of him.  His joints were aching really badly and could barely get out of bed.  The meds that were prescribed for inflammation are not working!!   He feels a little better today.  He was able to go to work for half a day!

Now he can barely sit still because of the excitement over the news of his promotion!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah Casey!! I had no idea that he did that type of work. He and my husband could have some great conversations. Aaron used to be in the DA's office here in Midland. Wow!! You and I have more in common than I thought.
