Friday, April 30, 2010

Possible Pain Relief Soon

If you couldn't tell, I was very frustrated when I wrote the last two blog posts. I think I have simmered down some. Casey's whole ordeal starting since September 2008 has just gone way beyond what anyone would have imagined!

He had a couple of appointments today. The first one being with the wound specialist.  His open wound has had no improvement.  It is still about 5 inches long and a couple of inches wide OPEN!  Even with the wound vac, there has not been any improvement!  This is very discouraging!  If it weren't for him having to have 6 more rounds of chemo, the healing process would have been so much quicker. 

I have some bad news to share and some good news to share.  I will start with the bad and soften the blow with the good.  The bad news is that he will not be able to have any kind of surgery on his hernias, which are the cause of all his excruciating pain right now, until after his last chemotherapy AND until his wound is totally healed up!!  At the rate he's going now, he will not be able to have surgery on his  hernias until  next year!!  I just can't imagine him having to be in pain for that long!!  The good news is that the Dr. prescribed him stronger pain meds and a wrap to secure his hernias.  The doctors did not want to prescribe him anything stronger than hydrocodone because it's bad on the liver.  For those of you who pop tylenol like candy, please be is very bad on the liver!  And Advil is very bad on kidneys...just sayin'!  The wrap should help the pain alot.  The last few days he has had very bad allergies and has been coughing and sneezing like crazy!  Poor thing nearly goes down to his knees because of the pain when he sneezes!  He can even feel something protrude out when he holds his tummy to cough or sneeze. 

I can't imagine what God's plan is for us.  After all that we have endured the last few years, I don't think we can handle any more bad news!

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